Anxiety about MIL visiting after baby is born

We live in CA and MIL is in FL....hubby keeps asking me when we are going to have her come out to see the baby and it's giving me so much anxiety. He wants her to stay with us, and I am dreading it. She complains about everything, never lifts a finger to help, is emotionally absent and "not into all the baby stuff". I can't imagine being stuck with her 24/7 while I'm trying to bond and breastfeed and he's at work all day. In the 8 years we've been together, the only time we've fought has been when it has to do with his mom....he always gets defensive about her and takes her side. They are super attached, esp bc his Dad bailed when my husband was little and hubby also had a twin brother that passed away when he was about 2.  I try to be understanding but I really do not want her staying with us, and don't really want her coming until at least a month or 2 after baby is born. How do I approach this? Am I being unreasonable?