23 weeks!


Went to the Central Park where the memorial monument is standing. I went there to respect the warriors and also my old town. Started crying for even though I’m innocent of crimes I remember that their were many martyrs during December 2020. I remembered that before that time I thought nothing could go wrong for I was sheltered in my upbringing. I think because of that time I lost a bit of my innocence for I now know that their are some people that do evil. Even though I don’t know the scope of evil and their thoughts I feel like I can never be the same. I also remember a shining hope for the Bethlehem star went by that year in December 2020 I missed the actual viewing, but I went on YouTube to view the star on the news. Plus I think my twin babies may be my gift to me by God for being a faithful and hidden being proclaiming the faith on Facebook, I even started my Facebook page KatDawnWhyte around December 2020. As for wealth, I tried to earn money to make my dad happy, but nobody would hire me so I looked into PayPal games, David thought it a scam and looked for a way for me to earn money that way, so he made a computer configuration that was a legitimate configuration and it was in the beta stages, around January 2021 he opened it to the public, I didn’t know what name it was under till now. Katz card at GameStop and EB Games. As for the twins they kick from time to time, at times I even hear them talk telepathic way, Mostly they sleep.