No on ever tells you


No one tells you the amount of guilt you get when you have to pick one child's needs over another.

My 21month old has epilepsy, is speech delayed and is awaiting an evaluation for autism as well as genetic testing. Her ped has said she will probably need speech therapy twice a week as well as occupational.

Her doctors have recommended my 10 year old do virtual school again this year due to covid ( we live in alabama and no one takes it serious). If my son gets exposed at school that could delay her evaluation, tests and whatever therapy they decide she needs.

We did ok last school year, but he struggled a little with math and not having other kids to interact with.

I hate that we have to do it again this year and I hope he doesn't feel like he isn't as important as his sister 😔

I'm going to try and reach out to more parents this year and find him some virtual friends. Also going to see if his school offers tutoring. Also going to try and take him on more covid friendly field trips.