My son really tried me😑

So my son is 16. He's technically my step son but his father stepped put of the marriage, got another women pregnant. She ended up getting thrown in jail on drug and child abuse charges(on her older child). My husband got the baby when he was born. Yes... I stayed.. His mom died on an overdose in prison. I

legally adopted him when he wss 2. 9 years ago my husband died from cancer... And now I'm a single mom of 2.

So now the.funny part. My son came out as gay and gender fluid a few months ago. Im like okay cool. I'm fine if he wants to dress masculine or feminine. So yesterday he decided he wants to dress feminine.... And puts on his 13 year old sisters shorts to go to the park with his ass hanging out... I told him fuck no and he can go change. He was all like "But you said you accepted me!" I told him "Just because I accept you doesn't mean you can dress with your ass hanging out like you're looking for hoochie daddies. Now go change! If you want to dress feminine until you're 18 you're gonna look classy". So today we are going shopping for classy feminine clothes lol.

Edit: Just wanna add in case there's confusion, I didnt adopt both children. The older one went with his dad. My daughter is biological mine. I don't use (step) with my son though. I've been there since day one so he's mine!