Just want a baby…


I just need to vent a little… My husband and I have only been trying for a baby for 3 months, so I know it’s not a lot of time to be trying…

But over the weekend, my husband’s best friend announced they’re having a baby… Hubby’s cousin announced that she’s pregnant… And my best friend announced that she’s pregnant…

And while I’m sooo incredibly happy for all of them and can’t wait to love and snuggle those babies, I’m sad for us…

We had a miscarriage a couple years ago, and it killed me… We weren’t trying at the time, so we didn’t try to have a baby after that… And now that we are trying, it just seems so much harder to get pregnant…

I don’t track ovulation, we have sex almost every day or other every day so there isn’t a chance for us to miss any windows… And I keep forgetting to take my temp in the morning… I have irregular periods so it makes it stressful and difficult to know exactly when to test, and honestly I’m just overthinking everything.

I’m trying really hard to trust God’s timing and plan, but I just wish this was easier… So much in my life was difficult and I know God has loved me and been there through it all, I just wish that something could be easy for me… I’ve wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember and I just want it to happen already… I’m trying really hard to stop comparing our journey to others and to just be in the moment and be happy for their moments but man it’s easier said than done. I just know that when God does decide to bless us with a baby, that baby will be so loved and the biggest blessing and I can’t wait❤️