Advice please. Am I actually being crazy?

Back story. Me and my husband have been together 5 years. When we got together I was still healing from a previous ex committing suicide. He told me I needed to get past my past trauma before we continued and I did. Well a few years ago he told me he had an ex that had an abortion. He was clearly upset so I consoled him. Me and my husband have been TTC for 4 years now with multiple early losses... well yesterday I picked up his phone to play some music and when I did his fb messages were up and I noticed a girls name and clicked on it(it was her) she said she was so glad she found him and asked how he was. He told her he was doing good with a wife and family and then asked her “I have been wondering this for a long time but did you have an abortion or a miscarriage ? “ she said she had a miscarried. He then responded “damn, would have been a good looking kid” then said “out of respect for my wife we can’t talk regularly but we can still talk from time to time . She said she understood. Upon seeing this my heart hurt. Although I’m so thankful he got closure in this situation I don’t see what they would need to talk about. He and I made an agreement 5 years ago that if we had a romantic relationship or intimate relationship with someone we wouldn’t have them on our fb. Now he is saying he doesn’t understand why he can’t have female friends. I explained that I don’t mind him having female friends but that having a female friend that he once had an intimate relationship with made me uncomfortable. I also explained that it hurt me to see him tell another woman they would have good looking kids together knowing what we are going through. He keeps saying I’m crazy and insecure. Please shed some light for me. At I being unreasonable ?