Bleeding, next day after sex.

My husband and I had sex yesterday evening. Nothing to crazy, but I was on top, and right as he finished, the condom slipped off him. But looked like he finished in jt before it slipping off...

I am on my first day of ovulation week. And it is normal for me to have a bit of blood from wiping after using the restroom.

Today at about 12:45 i felt that gush of blood (like the oh, i just started my period feeling). Wiped and it was a good amount bright red, than went on my way, a few minutes later, that gush feeling again. Wiped and it was a bit more pink, but still enough for a panty liner....

I had my womens health check last November. No STI or STD anything that isnt natural. All came back normal. My husband has recently come back from being gone for a year, so we have had sex about 6 times a month or so for the last two months. But nothing with Blood like this? Any ideas? Am i stressing? It it just a bit more blood than usual since i do experience Ovulatory bleeding?

I made a Dr appt. But its two weeks out!