Sex with my boyfriend

Me and my boyfriend have been together for 4 years. We started having sex immediately like the second day we met. I just couldn't keep my hands off him. Any ways we had our first baby in 2012, 6months later I got pregnant again. I wanted to have the baby but then realized I couldn't bc of my situation. My br was there for me and comforted me. So I got an abortion. I feel bad abt it everyday. 6 more months come along and I'm pregnant again. This time it was just a flat "NO". I was so sad I really wanted to have another baby. And I just knew it was a girl. My bc didn't really seem to care this time, well in my eyes.he wasn't there always at work. Letting me know he can't care for a baby right now. I was so mad at him. I think that's why now I don't want to have sex with him. I feel like I resent him for letting me abort our babies. Something I said I would never do. Well since last year around the summer we have not been having sex. He always wants to do it all the time like when we first met. I just feel like not in the mood anymore. Recently we got into it bad. He feels that I'm cheating on him but I'm not I just don't wana have sex bc I feel sad.   I'm attracted to my fb and love him a lot. So basically my question is how do I get the sexual relationship back without me feeling sad and without him feeling like I don't love him?