My brother is sexually immature

I had a friend tell me she thinks my brother is sexist because of what he said about breasts. He's 16 and he was talking about how girls breasts are gross and he doesn't want to see them. I think they were talking about the women topless law or something. My brother isn't just against female sexuality. He hates male sexuality too including his own. He hates boners and they make him uncomfortable. He was sexually abused as a child. That's why he prefers to be friends with people way younger than him. He likes people who still have their innocence and he wants to keep his innocence. I've tried explaining that sexuality is a part of life and its nothing to be ashamed of but he hates it. He's scared of it. He's very sexually immature and afraid of growing up and I don't know how to help. Before anyone says anything he isn't asexual. He's simply afraid of sexuality.

Edit: This isn't simply he doesn't like sex. He can't hang out with people his own age because he's so afraid and uncomfortable with sexuality. He finds his own sexuality disgusting and is afraid of growing up and losing innocence. Its a lot more than just not liking sex.

Edit2: I am my brother guardian. We have the same dad, his mom left when he was a baby and our dad committed suicide before he was old enough to remember him.

@Elizabeth thank you. I think I will talk to him therapy. I promise he's not Ace because he definitely has his umm fetishes and attractions... He's just disgusted by them(Its not like illegal feelings or fetishes) I just worry about him. And my friend calling him sexist urked him because he's not. He gets super triggered when any of his friends (especially the young girls) are sexualized. But therapy does sound like it could be beneficial since it helped me when dad died(even though he wasn't a good person)