Positive pregnancy test, implantation bleeding?


Hi guys!

I know you guys aren’t doctors, and I will be talking with mine. I would just love some options or if you also experienced this.

I’m 11 months pp with my little man, and I thought I was getting my 1st pp period (I’m still exclusively pumping). I was crampy and a little off. I had some brown and rust colored blood for a day, and then yesterday nothing! I took a test (then another) just to see and it came up positive. Last night and into early this morning, I’m having a small amount (like very light amount) of rust colored and dark red blood. Only when wiping. Could this still be considered implantation bleeding? I’m wondering if it’ll implant correctly or if my period will end of coming? I did not have implantation bleeding with my last pregnancy so I’m not familiar with it. I think I am only 9 to 14 days post ovulation but I’m not sure since I never caught a positive opk. Going to make a doctors appointment, but I know it’s too soon to go yet. What do you ladies think? I just have mild cramps, and some back pain. It’s so hard to tell when it’s this early. My plan is to just keep testing to see if the line gets darker and take a digital today.

I will be so overjoyed if this pregnancy sticks! I had missed miscarriage with my first pregnancy so I’m just staying cautiously optimistic. Thanks for any input!