Due March 1, 2022

Rach • Mommy to a 7yo 👧🏼 and new born 👶🏼 boy

Anyone else due March 1st? Is it your first, second or more? If its not your first how does this pregnancy compare to your last one/s?

This is baby #2 for me. I feel completely different than I did with my first 7 years ago 🙊. I have super bad morning sickness, I'm craving foods already, I'm super emotional (which I wasn't until the end with my first), I'm already showing (when I look at pics from my first I was still super skinny and small, I'm so much bigger with this one already!) , I have heart burn already (I didn't have until the last 5 weeks with my first).

I know they say every pregnancy is different but my goodness I didn't think I would feel,look, eat so dramatically different than my first!