Finally got my BFP!!

Jessica • 29 years old 🤰 letrozole baby #1 due April 2022 😍 nearly 2 years TTC

I finally got my BFP after nearly 2 years of trying and couldn't be happier (also slightly anxious because it is early so we have a long way to go)!! I want to share my story in the hope it may help one of you. So, my doctor was unsure if I was ovulating (I think I was but just not every month), no PCOS, no endo, basically no other issue could be found. I was put on letrozole 2.5mg and they confirmed I didn't ovulate that month. Moved up to and did ovulate with a super thick lining but no luck that month either. Next month I stuck with 7.5mg and did everything right, no caffeine, fertility tea, no alcohol, reduced sugar, increased general exercise, preconception vitamins..BFN! The next month I was so deflated i dropped it all and went back to doing what I wanted. Then I heard on a UK podcast I have been binge listening called BFN, that if you have a tilted cervix you should lie down on your back for 10 mins after sex and then 10 minutes on your stomach. That is LITERALLY the only thing I did differently!! Maybe a coincidence but worth a shot. Baby dust to you all 💕