Husband wants a separation ….


So my husband has been mad at me for the past couple of months, he found out that I had a conversation with our neighbor (who was going through a divorce at the time) a year and a half ago. We were talking about his divorce and he was complimenting my husband and I’s marriage and I started talking and gave too much information about how our relationship was rocky at that moment. My husband is mad and says he can no longer trust me and is unhappy with me and wants out of the marriage. He says I crossed a line, which I understand where he is coming from. But I’m my opinion I do not see how this could be a reason for a marriage to be broken. It hurts bc we have a 3 year old and 4 month old, and I stay at home with them. He says he’s only been procrastinating because of the kids and also bc I would not be able to financially support myself on my own……I’m just at a loss on what to do here.