Bi-weekly Salary struggles

Hi! I was wondering how you guys manage with a bi weekly salary?

We get paid on the first and the 15th of every month. The 1st of every month we have to pay off our mortgage, HOA, car payment, student loans, credit card, internet, phone & electricity bills.

By the 2nd day of the month we’re left with like $20 😅

Then we get paid on the 15th and all that is for us, except for a hospital bill. We usually transfer half of the salary to our savings, pay off our credit card since we’re left with nothing from days 1-15 and use what’s left for ourselves.

Basically, for the first two weeks we feel so financially suffocated. And then the last two weeks we feel like we have so much financial freedom since there’s no bills.

We’ve never had a month where the middle paycheck rolled over to the beginning of the month paycheck and I think that may be our problem.

What do you guys do to live comfortably throughout the whole month and not just half of it? We’re obviously doing something wrong and just need some financial advice I guess.