2 year old cries all the time

I just feel like an aweful parent just aweful. My daughter is 2 years old and all she does is cry. All she does. If you say no even once to her she breaks down in tears. If you try to distract her it’s like she now knows that what your doing and breaks down in scream tears. It’s all day long. Her dad accidentally said to her “your a problem child” and I know he didn’t mean it and said it out frustration but I lost my shit on him over it. Like howww could he say that to her? Those things don’t slip from my mouth ever. Is anyone else’s toddler behaving this way we have a 8 hour round trip drive tomorrow and I just hope that it goes well. How can I help her. I feel aweful cause she just cries and cries and cries. Talking to her she cries.