Symptoms fading

Tori • Momma of 3!! One boy two girls♥️ Baby dust to all❤️

Hey ladies! I’m currently 8w4d they said I had a cyst on my left ovary at my dating scan at 7w1d, I had some spotting this morning well I woke up and went to the bathroom and it was in my underwear, it was light brown mostly I couldn’t tell if it had pink tint to it or not. I haven’t been cramping or anything, my symptoms have been subsiding for the past couple days, I was feeling sick everyday and just completely crappy! I know I shouldn’t be complaining about not being sick lol! I’m just wondering if it sounds okay? I called my doctor and they said if I keep spotting or start bleeding bleeding bright pink/red blood to come in. But it was just that one time! This is baby #2 for us, and with my little boy I had no issues at all!