Feeling blessed and nervous 😩😭

So I’m feeling such mix emotions right now. Blessed because I went to my 13+w doctor appointment and heard baby’s heartbeat on Doppler they had which was perfect and I love to hear that beat🥰 got a $2 raise at my job not just .50 cents🤑 also found out when I got some child support letters that my baby dad finally made some money the government collected and disbursed to me and it was $1800. Woaahhh cha-Ching. I’ve already been saving but now just gonna lock that card up and not use it til a VERY big emergency. And the nervous feeling is because I have been taking a medical program for the past 8 months and have the exam finally next month that’s over 100 questions. I hate school, legit haven’t gone back to college since 2015. But this was online course and my SIL said she would help me out with it(she didn’t😒) lol but oh well, if I pass, I graduate and get a certification and get to walk!! 👩‍🎓 lastly, me and my husband applied for a 3b 2bath home and I’m praying we get it because it’s been a hassle trying to provide some paperwork, being from a different state(CA) and starting new in Florida. I am due Feb 3rd and our lease is up in Nov so hoping we can move in by the end of the year and have everything situated for our expanding family. Ahhh these emotions. Just hoping for the best but don’t wanna get my hopes up too much in case shit doesn’t go the way planned 😩😭🥺