Seeking Threatened Pre-term Labor Experiences

JT • 5 yrs 2MMC, 1CP... delivered #1 and #2!!!🌈 🌈

Hey there moms of multiples… have any of you had experience with threatened pre-term labor? I’d love to hear your stories.

My Braxton Hicks were coming pretty frequently during my 32w4d exam this week (2 during U/S, 9 in the time I was waiting to see the doc)… but no cervical changes. As a precaution, my OB called to consult with MFM and they determined to put me on 30mg Nifedipine daily to slow any potential progression and a course of Betamethasone to stimulate lung development in case things don’t work.

I still felt BH during the day, but had too many things to focus on to take the time to count until last night… I had 15 in an hour when I finally sat on the couch to track… though I wonder if focused attention caused a bit of an increase because once I stopped my active tracking, it felt like they slowed, though they were replaced by a dull ache in my lower abdomen that I would describe as feeling like very mild early pre-menstrual cramps.

I go back to the hospital for the second steroid injection in a few hours, but I’m wondering 1) is the nifedipine not working? 2) could the steroids cause a temporary increase in contractions?

Also, I definitely think the babies are moving less due to the steroid injection yesterday… which I read can be a thing.

Apart from not being at all ready to meet these babies, I’d really like to get closer to term to give them every growth opportunity.

Your turn: please share your experiences and outcomes.