Pregnant with a toddler


I’m not sure how I survived my first pregnancy without a tiny human standing on my stomach, stealing my snacks, sneaking sips of my ginger ale, and offering me his pre-slobbered food🤢 😅✨sarcasm✨

But for real I will take any advice from seasoned moms who have been there done it! This little ham (16 months) is just hitting the hilarious rambunctious independent toddler phase and I was nauseous with him for three solid months. I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like this time around. With my EDD (4/13) they will be 25 months apart, just narrowly missing having 2 under 2. I have ADHD and I work in the schools, it’s hard enough juggling work and this little guy with meds. I’m nervous about what it will be like while pregnant and exhausted without them. Anyways. Thanks for listening!