
Went to the walk in clinic today to get a urine test and lab work done to check my hcg level.

The urine test came back positive.

My hcg level came back at 80.8, and in the drs note she says according to my hcg level I’m am 3 weeks along.

Now the reason I am confused is because according to this app I am 4 weeks and 1 day.

And the chart they gave I don’t really understand how she is getting 3 weeks??! Help..

My hcg results are attached.

Also is 80.8 a good hcg level??


I have my first OB appointment the 9th of August!! So fingers crossed my levels keep doubling and I have a healthy little bean!❤️

And taking test once a week to make sure I’m still pregnant until that appointment! 😅