Struggling with naps/bedtime


My LO will be 6 weeks old in a few days and I’m struggling. People love to say to sleep when baby sleeps but what if your baby won’t sleep unless they’re in your arms? So far he ONLY naps in my arms while being rocked. At night his first stretch of sleep is typically between 3 1/2-5 hrs. For awhile that second stretch at night would be 3-4 hrs long. Lately after the first waking he begins waking up every 1-2 hrs. I’m worried if this is gonna be a forever thing or will he grow out of this?? Does anybody have experience with this? I’m absolutely mentally and physically exhausted. My husband works a lot so I basically do everything bec my son won’t even take a nap for him so it’s up to me. Finding time to eat and even drink water is becoming difficult. I just want this to be over.