Baby up for 24 hours


My 3 week old has been up for almost 24 hours.

It started at midnight last night waking up every 2 hours (usually it's every 3/4 hours).

Then at 745am he just stayed awake all day - refused all naps.

Cluster feed all day. Also he rarely cluster feeds. But I fed non stop today!! Around every 10-30 minutes was unusual.

Napped maybe 4 times 10 mins each. Then just wanted to be held only.

Now getting him to bed in my bed at 10pm.

Interesting thing is, He didn't cry at all today... Only when cluster feeding. He was yawning towards the evening but all day was just very alert and pleasant but WIDE AWAKE. It's just bizarre.

What can I do to get him back on track with his sleep schedule?!

Any help much appreciated ☺️