Am I a bad person?

Back story: Wife cheats on husband. They are legally separated and a month away from the divorce being final. Wife dates multiple people.

The husband pursued me and we started dating. 3 weeks later I walk in to the house with the wife their and they have apparently spent the weekend together in a neighboring state. 3 weeks later I find out I’m pregnant by the husband. I end up losing the baby and getting disowned by my family and told that I am a homewrecker. Am I really a homewrecker? Am I bad person for wanting them to break up again? Am I stupid for wanting him to come back? I also never slept with anyone until him and I just feel like a whore.

(Side note their whole relationship has been on/off again and the only reason they were married is because of a baby)

(Extra side note: when I told the husband I was pregnant, he told me to get rid of it because it would be too much drama for him and his wife but rumor has it that she is pregnant and it isn’t his baby but he will still claim it)