Any advice on this?

Hope none of you are going through this but really need some advice.

I strongly suspect and have seen a relative on my husband's side of the family hurt my 10 month old including pinching and squeezing on back and other parts while leaving no marks of significance but definitely affecting baby. I think some of the motive is to make things difficult for us by causing baby to be cranky and to break us up as they have never really been fond of me, some type of sick joke. It is really affecting my little one and I am sure it will cause long lasting effects. I can already tell in his interactions with others. This happens on visits at least once in two months.

How would I report this. Should I go to the health visitor? Would they consider it serious without any noticeable signs? does anyone know whether baby will be taken away? That would be devastating as there is nothing I care more about. Also, an suggestions on how to approach my partner about this? He really respects this family member and refuses to believe that they would do this.