TTC after C-Section


Will be 2 years In sept. Since our babygirl came into the world via c-section.

2 months back we unexpectedly miscarried (we didn’t know we were pregnant so it was quite traumatic) and that led to the decision that we are ready to start trying for baby number 2.

After the miscarriage in early June, I ended up getting a short period two weeks after that.

Now going into July: ovulation shows June 29-July 5th , which we BBD frequently.

Ended up with heavy CM with very very light brown spotting from July 13-July 17th. I finally got a little more than spotting and what I have marked as “period” from July 18-July 21st (which is like with more brown and occasionally light wine colored.

Negative tests on July 22nd and July 26th.

Now what’s off is a few days after my period had stopped, I started running back and forth between the bathroom to pee. I haven’t increased the amount of water, or changed diet, no infections or pain or UTI, but I am going to the bathroom 4x more an hour than before.

Also having weird hip twinges and fullness/heavy feelings in my lower abdomen the past few days.

I’m trying to hard not to test again yet as we’re coming up on the new Ovulation window this week but definitely taking notice to some things going on in my body.

Is it possible I could’ve been ovulating in the 5 day window right before the marked ‘period’ came? Going to try and hold out till this next time but genuinely curious.