Am I right to be angry?

I been with this man for a whole ass 6 months and I’ve put up with the casually bringing up his ex, and I’ve put up with the fact that he compares me to that hoe when he’s angry. But I was looking at his old pictures on his phone with him and a pic of them popped up and he said “shit my bad lemme deal with that” then hid his phone almost and I didn’t see if it got deleted or not. So I looked at his pictures and he still has like all of them. Videos, pictures, text screenshots, all that fucking bullshit. Now I don’t wanna come at him cause I definitely didn’t do the right thing by lookin at his pics without his knowledge but holy fuck I’m ready to snap. I feel like he still loves her or something and can’t get over her for some fuck ass reason. How do I approach this like a grown ass adult cause I need to quit it with the childish petty shit.