I feel unwanted.

I feel so down lately. Everyone recognizes me for being kind, uplifting, energetic and happy but, on the inside, i feel like i’m breaking. I’m the friend that gives advice and doesn’t ask for any because i don’t want to be self centred. I care a lot for others but realize i haven’t been caring for myself.

It’s been 2 years since my last relationship. I am not the type to be “boy crazy” but for a long time after my relationship ended, i’ve felt like no man is attracted to me. I fake confidence and romanticize any little thing a guy does for me. Which now, makes me miserable because i obsess over small things thinking that maybe someone finally sees me for who i am but end up disappointing myself when they don’t.

There was this guy recently that expressed how he liked me. It felt so good to know that i was desired after not feeling that way. It ended up not working out and i feel lower than i did before anything ever happened. I know love will come to me when the universe believes i’m ready for it but it’s very frustrating when you try to put yourself out there and nothing ever works out. I’m also not ready for a relationship because i don’t love myself yet. I’m insecure but have no real idea of how to cure it. I hate my body, how i look and constantly am thinking about how people think of me. I think the thing i need is some advice. I don’t like to be overwhelmed with bad emotions but i can’t handle it on my own anymore.