Suspicious? Should I be mad/ worried

So my man and I have been together since the end of 2018. We took a break for a couple months and got back together a few months later in 2019.

I am now pregnant and due any day now. A few things that have always bothered me:

1) He has NEVER posted me on social media. Not once. I ask him why and he says he doesn’t post but he does post things like his car or work. Or other random things.

2) I’ve noticed him following half naked girls or liking their pics and while I get some people may be ok with that, it bothers me. I don’t follow half naked guys or like those type of pictures. I just find it disrespectful like what else are you liking a picture of a girl w her ass and boobs out for? He says it’s not a big deal

3) He didn’t tell his ex about me or that I was pregnant. She found out when she was stalking my page. (His ex has a son with him) And I had nothing against her or anything like that. I just thought it was weird how he was keeping me a secret from her& when she found out she flipped

4) He knows my phone password, I’ve given it to him w no problem just so he could use my phone if needed but he’s never told me his. Even if I ask bc I need his phone for something like I can’t find mine or something like that. He’ll take his phone from me and do it himself. Which I think is weird because when the situation is reversed he just opens my phone without asking and I have 0 issues w that.

5) right now I’ve been feeling off just about him and his phone. Like I’ve noticed him taking it to the bathroom EVERY TIME and he takes forever in there, or to shower like he literally takes it IN the shower where it can get wet. I know this because I went to shower after him and found his phone on the ledge of the shower. Idk why he would physically take it in there. He’s been secretive like he’ll turn off his phone if I walk in the room or turn his phone away. Idk I’ve just been getting bad vibes so I asked him if I could see his phone right now and he just told me no. I asked why and he said because he didn’t want me to. He just refused and got defensive. I just think it’s suspicious. If the roles were reversed I would show him without a problem & then after he saw there’s nothing I’d ask why he felt the need to go through it and work through whatever issues he was having. Like my priority is him& making sure our relationship is okay. I wouldn’t get mad or defensive. But he did.

I just don’t know what to think. I’ve never asked him to let me go through his phone and I’ve never felt the need to until now. And the fact that he shut me down and wouldn’t give me a real answer as to why not has me thinking now and overthinking all the red flags. I just don’t know what to do. Part of me thinks him refusing to let me see should be answer enough. But maybe I’m overreacting. Thoughts? Am I just overreacting or is this suspicious. Be kind please maybe I am just hormonal from pregnancy

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