Anyone been told you may not go full term?


I've been experiencing chronic and severe pelvic and back pain, I collapsed last weekend in the kitchen and would have called an ambulance if I had my phone with me, because my back just gave out on me and ended up waiting until my partner got home to get me into bed.

I had my midwife appt today (29+2) and mentioned it all (in tears, I always cry now!) and she seemed quite concerned, saying that they may need to bring things forward if this continues (I often can't walk from one room to another, clean, cook etc because I can't stand).

Has anyone else been told they might be induced early? I'm a bit nervous about bub coming before they are ready... I have another appointment in 3 weeks to see how things are progressing.

I'm a FTM so I don't have much experience with this at all.