Can anyone tell me what side I’d looking at? 8W1D


Haha so went in for our “first” prenatal appointment, but I had an urgent care scan at 6 weeks where I heard a heartbeat already. So this was technically the 2nd one.

8W1D and the Dr was super quick about it, didn’t even measure the HB but confirmed it was there, and the baby was in kind of a tricky position and wiggling so getting a clear shot was hard.

I asked her to clarify what exactly we were “looking at” in the picture but she just said “your baby” and it’s like 🙃 ok

Any thoughts on what the round shape we’re seeing on the left here is? Is this like the head, the body, the butt? She measured the whole side as the crl but idk if that dark spot is the sac or the body or what. I wouldn’t care too much but this is the pic I’m giving to announce to parents so I know they’re gonna ask 😅