I just keep peeing on sticks 🙈😂


After 3 years of trying to conceive with the most irregular periods. We suffered a miscarriage 3 months ago. I didn’t even know I was pregnant until we lost the baby.

Fast forward to last Saturday I started feeling nauseous and my sense of smell is like a super power, I began to think …” maybe”

Yesterday being 4 days away from aunt flows arrival, I thought why not 🤷🏻‍♀️ just pee on a stick. I dam near fell over! So I peed on 3 more yesterday ….just to make sure 😂

Woke up this morning and checked again there it was in big fat blue and white…pregnant! 🙌 had to check again this afternoon but I can honestly say it’s starting to sink in.

I’ve also been banned from peeing on sticks by my other half so, I suppose it will have to sink in 🤣 😍🥰