Feeling used, alone, unworthy

My boyfriend has been going through a hard time lately and on top of that, Friday his dad got diagnosed with Covid 19 and thats his only escape, his dad and his place. Hes stopped asking how my day is, if I'm okay, if I need anything, etc. It just makes me feel like he doesn't care. Well this morning he sent me a snap with some "steamy thoughts" and so I was like okay hes in this type of mood so give him what he wants, so I said something back. Later on I got out the shower and just looked at myself and I felt pretty okay because I've been trying hard to change my lifestyle, working out and being more positive, etc. So I sent him 1 picture of myself thinking that he'd like that and also just wanted to show off how far I've come. Well hours later when he gets home he opens it and doesn't say anything about the picture nor the previous conversation. That just made me feel low about myself and my body, mind, my positive turned into negative thoughts. He just sent a snap back of legos. So of course I was upset but I didn't say anything and he told me he was sorry and I asked why and he just said for how things were, and continued to say that he feels like he makes me upset everyday. I just feel that I'm to much stress for him so I told him I'm sorry that he feels that way and if he doesn't want to feel that way to leave because I just want the best for him and now he's mad and upset and doesn't want to talk. I tried asking what I could do to make things better but he ignored me, yet, not once did he ask what was wrong or how could he help me. I love him more than anything but it feels as if I always ruin things, should I just tell him that we should be great friends until we can figure out whats going in with ourselves?