Shopping list


I know it’s still super early but I’d like to get a head start on baby shopping. I have a 2 year old and unfortunately didn’t think I’d have any more kids so I did donate all of her things we were no longer using over the last year and a half.

This time I’m planning on formula feeding I’ve been breastfeeding for the last 26 months and I need a break. So I would appreciate resources for formula feeding- bottles pacifiers formula brands etc.

Any ideas of what I should put on my list? I feel like a lot of toys and gadgets and what not that I had the first go around I hardly used so I’d love some insight on things that worked for you and your babies.

Also websites- I think locally all we have is a toys r us and a Walmart so websites would be appreciated I do like little boutiques for clothes and wooden toys. Must ship to Canada!

Thanks for the help 😊😊