No space

So my boyfriend and I are both 20 and in our first serious relationship. We've dated for a year and a half, and have had sex for a little over a year (just giving background). Ever since we started dating we have basically been attached at the hip, we go to college together and live in the same dorm (seperate rooms and floor though) and we are always together. But this really annoys me, he really gets on my nerves and like I even get annoyed at him being too touchy or lovey. I'm the type of person who needs my own time and space. I enjoy being by myself and sometimes spending time with friends instead of him. He is the opposite though, he always wants to be with me no matter what, and while sometimes he understands that I need my time and space, most of the time he doesn't understand that. It's such a difficult thing. What can I do to make sure I get my space and he gets to see me and be with me enough? I really really need to have time by myself and time with my friends or our relationship will not last, I've told him this and he changes it for a little bit then just goes right back to how he was. Please help me with advice I need guidance on how to handle this problem.