My bf made a comment about my friends boobs

I was on the phone with my friend and my bf was able to see my phone and who I was talking to and he said to my friend “oh you have titties” the comment didn’t hit me til now, it was kind of an awkward situation when it happened and I immediately started talking about something else and tried to forget about it. My bf called me tonight and I brought it up and told him it was disrespectful for him to do that and made me feel really awkward, he told me that I was being overly sensitive and he was just joking, he also asked me why I didn’t say anything when it happened and I told him it was awkward and I didn’t wanna address right there and then. I didn’t see it as a joke and It made me feel really weird. He apologized but he proceeded to get mad at me and hung up on me. Thoughts on the situation?