2 Weeks Old ❤️

I posted on here the week before Thanksgiving asking if it was "norm" for a FTM to dilate from a 2 to a 3 within a few days & I also asked about contractions/ cramping. Of course I saw my doctor. But that week I was in and out of LD for a lot of "contractions" that I never really felt. Anyways, a Sunday night, (the 15th) I was 34.6 weeks pregnant & I measured at 2 cm. everyone said "oh, that's normal. You'll stay that way for MONTHS." The next day I had my OB appt - I was then 3 cm & 70% effaced with immediate bedrest. In and out of LD that whole week. That Thursday I was still 3 cm. all weekend - in and out of LD. follow up OB appt on the 23rd (I was 36 weeks on the nose) & I measured 4 cm, but 5 with a contraction. BAM. Hospitalized to have the baby THAT night. Went on, everything was fine, they broke my water around noon; gave me pitocin & I had an epidural around 3:30 pm. I didn't feel ANYTHING. I actually slept (between being woken up for BP, checks, switching sides, etc) until they checked me at almost 8 pm & I was 9 cm. We did some practice pushes that were nothing to me. Literally get nothing. In fact I pushed while watching Finding Nemo on the TV 🙊. After 10 minutes, she called my OB & when he came, it got real. I pushed and pushed for only 21 minutes & out popped my baby boy. Of course he was premie, so he immediately went to the other side of the room to be checked, but thankfully he was absolutely perfect. He was born at 9:40 pm; he was 5 pounds and 14 ounces, and 20.25 inches long! He was a LONG baby which is probably why he decided to come so early 😊. He had his feet on my rib cages and just thrusted himself himself out! He was originally due December 21, but he decided he wanted to meet everyone for Thanksgiving 🎉. So, so thankful. I couldn't have had a better pregnancy, a better labor, or a better birth! So ready for #2! 😉