
j • Waiting patiently for my little girl to come join her big brother

Ok ladies I’m TTC #2 after a break from unsuccessfully trying last year we are back on it and doing all the things we need to, OPK etc. My periods are usually extremely heavy, a lot of clots etc and a good 5/6 days to finish (sorry for the TMI) this month my period was lighter, not light enough to be implantation bleeding sadly but considerably less than usual. I would say I finished yesterday (5 days) with a little spotting today, also back on the Baby Dancing today 🤣 I’m having what I can only describe as period cramps?! I NEVER get these after a period only ever the first couple of days of my period and usually I have to take pain killers for the heavy ache. Today it’s more like pulling pains, more so on the right side. It’s weird, but my mind is going mad because I’m desperate to conceive and my period was lighter than usual!! Any ideas at all what could cause this? I’m so unlikely to be pregnant after a period but I just don’t know what to think? Help!