Vaccine remorse - reassurance?


For the last 10 days I've had intense allergies/rhinitis to the point where my Dr had me Covid tested twice - both negative. Dr suggested I get vaccinated when I'm comfortable and said there aren't any trimester recommendations. I am 7 weeks today.

Being in that vulnerable, emotional state I thought "OK this isn't Covid but look at how I feel? Covid would be awful" and I got my first vaccine the next day (yesterday) after browsing a few message boards and doing empirical research.

Today I've been speaking to relatives in healthcare and they've all said their patients should do it in the second trimester or later on, if they're comfortable. I feel like I made the wrong decision and now every normal pregnqncy ache, cramp or feeling of wetness has me on edge. I'm a remorseful mummy today. I doubt I'll get the second dose as scheduled - maybe down the line.

Has anyone had any experiences (not opinions) with

this that they'd like to share? Positive/negative are both welcome.