How many calories a day?


I’m trying so hard to lose weight and have looked into a lot of stuff.

Today I saw a video saying the recommended amount of calories for my age is 1300.

I said to my fiancé that I’ve been eating way under that for 2 months without much success. Between 800 and 1000 a day.

I thought that was heavy restricting but he told me I wasn’t right. That all the calories on food packets needed to be multiplied by 100 because the word Calorie had a capital C. And that the vides was saying I needed 1300 calories (little C).

So I have a soup that 100Cal per serve. According to him that’s 10,000 calories. So I’d eat a mouthful of my soup and that’s all for the day according to him. I have had an eating disorder since I was 15. I feel like I would have learned this before.

Am I wrong? Am I counting calories wrong?

I’m not here to be told to stop counting them. I know I’m not well. I just need to know who’s right.