Please help recurrent chronic yeast infections

Things I’m doing that doesn’t seem to be helping or working!!

Apple cider vinegar bath 3 times a week

Try to get in yogurt daily

Pee after sex all thattt I don’t use g


Please help I keep having recurrent chronic yeast infections going on a year or 2 now went to the gyn yesterday basically she said she can’t help that’s all the knowledge she knows on recurrent yeast which confused me lady aren’t u the damn doctor? And also wouldn’t test my hormones (I probably think it’s this) even though I got one directly after a period (that is retarted) kept explaining the same things about yeast I was tryna hear it to upset about this ongoing situation (I probably think it’s this) even though I got one directly after a period (that is retarted) I’m literally doing everything I’m supposed to do!! She did say I have infection on my legs (basically probably a skin infection hard to explain I’m at the dermatologist for it now) and told me cut back on smoking because I might have low immune system (smoking is lowering it) or just susceptible to infection , she also said take probiotics no shaving already been doing that ain’t shit helping soo I’m tired of hearing the same shit what also knocked me off is she basically told me to go get 2 or 3 more opinions. Please no repeated advice I already I’m sick of it I already kno what to do and how to do it. Any next steps or advice is very appreciated pls