Hello ladies. I have a problem and I would like some advice

So my boyfriend has always had problems in our relationship. Nothing is ever good enough. I’ll be the happiest with him and he’ll come out of nowhere and ruin that. It’s been like this for years now. I’ll give and give all my energy (which i did) until I have no effort anymore because it’s clearly not good enough. His problem is I’m not affectionate with him in public or when we are alone. That we don’t have enough sex. We’ve been dating for 5 years. I’m not really an affectionate person but I try to be for him. Lately he’s been jobless so he’s always in the house playing his game while I’m out working and coming home to cook and clean the house. So I’m always tired and not in the mood to do anything but relax. He doesn’t seem to understand that because he hasn’t had to work in over a month and he has all the time in the world. Well last night he told me his problem I told him I understood and will work on it. the same problem he’s had for years that I’ve given and given effort to fix it. But after two hours go by he’s still talking about it and I’m getting annoyed because nothing can change over night and at this point i don’t know why he’s repeating the same problem multiple times. Today we wake up he’s like let’s have a good day. I’m in a good mood and he try’s to have sex with me. I don’t want to and he gets annoyed at me. He gets over it. He hugs me and I hug him back. He kisses me and I kissed him back. No problems yet. Out of nowhere he’s bringing it back up and telling me anytime he thinks of the problem he’s going to remind me of it. I personally don’t think that’s healthy. But that’s my opinion. I understand affection is in a relationship and I am affectionate. Just not 24/7. We haven’t had sex in like maybe a few days and he’s acting like we haven’t in years. The sex doesn’t last long. It seems like it’s more like he’s using me to cum rather than satisfying me because he has to cum once he starts. i’ve told him this before and he says he can’t help how fast he cums. So I just don’t even say anything but it makes the sex not worth it because it’s not even a minute and it’s over with. Before covid he barely took me out showed me off. But expected all his needs and wants. And honestly it’s still like that. I cook,clean and work paying bills. While he hasn’t worked and just saved up money. Plays the game 24/7 and takes the trash out once a week. I do love him. But I feel like this relationship is a 70/30. I feel like it’s all about him. Anytime I bring up any of these problems he denies it tells me it’s not true or it can’t be true. But any time he says something it’s facts. It’s 100% right. If I am wrong in any of this please say something. I’m lost and I need real advice.