Low sex drive, why ?

I’m 24 years old. I have my October baby who is my firstborn and only one for right now. I’m not currently pregnant but, I’ve been going through probably THE toughest season of my life. Since Covid hit, my mom lost her sanity, her health is depleting and her mindset has never been the same. She is also getting a divorce as well, my siblings hate her. I resent her and my younger siblings are being manipulated and used. Mentally they are a wreck. It’s just the hardest thing to live and I’m 100% there trying to help EVERYONE, even myself.. without making my son suffer it too. I also offered medical and mental help, I called CPS but you cannot help who doesn’t want to helped. She refuses to go to anything, just thought I’d add that before I get any doubts on what I’m doing. I also work night shifts here and there.. maybe like 1 night a week or every two weeks.. our financial situation also has been the toughest ever. Perhaps I’m even answering my own question here but, can all this be causing my low sex drive? Not just my sex drive but my over all affection in general ? I’m usually very active and super lovey dovey but my husband told me things haven’t been the same between us and he felt he was doing something wrong. I haven’t told him everything I’m feeling not bc we don’t have good communication but bc it’s been over a year with this problem and I’m tired of crying the same thing and waking him up this much at night over something I can’t control. I just feel bad that it’s even ruined our sex life. Our own home, and how we love between us. But am I making excuses or did the pain and stress of all this really get that far ? Sorry for the lengthy message. Late night thoughts..