Soother weaning hell


Okay, so I didn’t think I would be doing this so soon. We just transitioned to a big boy bed legit last week. Which is a huge deal in itself. He also went back to daycare this week, and the daycare ladies said he doesn’t need his soother anymore to fall asleep for nap time- big shocker for us! SO of course, we thought we would try at nighttime too. The odd thing is, he doesn’t really cry for his soother. BUT he is taking up to 2 hours to fall asleep each night (and wakes the same time in the morning). If he’s at home he completely skips his naps and won’t stay in bed. Which is fine. But if he’s missing a nap, and missing 2 hours at bedtime.. it’s catching up to us and he is so overtired from the loss of sleep! How can I teach him to self soothe without a soother? Or can I?

A pic of his successful nap today 🤪😬 Send help!