Is it ok for parents to see everything on a child's phone?


yes si am still a kid and my mom has an app on my phone so she can see EVEYTHING I do.From the YouTube videos I watch, to my e mails i send and receive, to my camera roll, to my texts!!I understand checking my phone if something is suspicious or she has a real reason.But when she checks for no reason it makes me feel like she doesnt trust me.Im not allowed to have social media, which I understand but I dont think seeing everything I do on my phone the way she does it ok.Something else that makes me mad is that since she can see my texts, she can see what my friends send me too.So its like she is monitoring everything she does too, then she tells my friends mom.This causes her not wanting to tell me certain things because she doesnt want her mom to know.(when I say something she doesnt want her mom to know, I dont mean anything bad, I mean things like crushes or just things that she isnt really comfortable telling her mom)She cant just tell me in person because we barely ever see eachother in person!I even still feel like she is listening when we are in person.This has caused me so much anxiety and stress.Even though to you it might not seem like a big deal, it is to me.I feel like I'm not even safe in my own thought,like I cant escape.I have 0 privacy, and I feel like I dont have trust either.but I havent done anything that would disearn my trust, I am such a good kid and she doesnt even know it.She has gotten my friend in trouble for talking about her family issues and stuff which isnt a bad thing.She feels she cant even talk to me worried about our friendship, what should I do?should I talk to her?do you think this is ok?please tell me in the comments, I need some advice and opinions on this please.

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