Induction & Birth In 22 Hours!

I was going to my routine 37 week appointment, and my pregnancy had been very smooth up until then. No complications, and I was measuring perfectly every week. Long story short, I came down with mild preeclampsia. My feet were very swollen, they found LOTS of protein in my urine, and my blood pressure was 150/100. My doctor was so concerned that they gave me time to eat lunch, and then make my way to the hospital to be induced! I was totally shocked because baby's due date wasn't until December 20th. They put me on magnesium and started giving me medicine to open up my completely closed cervix, and I wasn't dilated at all. Soon, I started having mild contractions. By the end of the night I was dilated at a 4 and ready for the epidural. I was in so much pain I couldn't deny it. The anasthesiologist showed up an hour later, and he had a student with him and it really put me at ease since he was less likely to mess up if he was teaching someone. Oh god, the pain relief was so instant and beautiful I ended up taking a nap! The doctors woke me about an hour later and said I was already at a 7! And the only thing they'd given me to induce labor was a pill that was inserted in my vagina. They were super impressed that I was able to induce my own labor. Another hour went by and I was at a 10, 100% effaced. They were ready for me to have the baby by 10AM! And he was finally born at 11:59AM. I was extremely determined to get my baby boy out. I think what really helped is that I exercised very regularly during my pregnancy which helped me get a good gague on my body. I  did however suffer from a second degree tear, which is painful and still healing, and the nurses dropped me on my back getting me off of the delivery bed which caused me to lose a lot of blood and I vomited, and almost passed out. I'm still in pain from all that, but I couldn't be more grateful for my smooth delivery and my gorgeous baby boy being here..
- Jordan Anthony, born December 5th at 11:59AM, 6lbs 10oz, 18.5 inches long