35, 1 ovary, 11 DPO, and pregnant

Candace • Wife ❤️ Girl Mom❤️🐶 mom

I had to have my ovary removed at the end of February. I had a 15 cm cyst. We started TTC in April. My cycle was very unusual and long those first 3 months. This month was the first normal feeling cycle. I ovulated at CD 14. Temp s

tayed high. I took a cheapie yesterday morning (we were on vacation and I only brought one that I got free with my ovulation strips). I looked positive. We were heading home that afternoon so I did a 4 hr hold and test with the random tests I had at home. One first response and a digital. Both were positive. I’m so happy. I was so nervous that my age, weight and 1 ovary would make it impossible to have baby #2 but here we are. Just so blessed and happy. Good job little right ovary. You did your job. **funny thing with my first I had implantation bleeding on DPO 11 & 12 but nothing with this pregnancy.