Baby Movements?

This is probably quite a silly question so please forgive mešŸ™ˆIā€™m currently 15 weeks & Iā€™m certain Iā€™m feeling baby this past few daysā€¦.Itā€™s very strange,itā€™s not constant.I find it hard to describe,it sort of feels like bubbles or pushing/stretchingšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøIt can be strong at times after Iā€™ve ate.As Iā€™ve never experienced this before Iā€™m curious if Iā€™m over thinking this or if this could be baby?Ive got a Doppler & actually think I can hear the movements on this also but again I donā€™t know if I could be overthinking.There is times I feel baby is telling me to relieve myself(Gas etc) especially when I need to go number 2 so I donā€™t believe this to be gas.Iā€™ve watched my tummy for a little bit while lying flat & I have a very very noticeable beat-Do other ladies notice or feel any of these?Confused First Time Momā¤ļø