

Welp I just found out I’m having my 5th baby boy! 😩😭

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Posted at
Just here to say gender disappointment is totally a valid feeling if you have it! If you need someone to vent to I'm here!


OnO β€’ Aug 16, 2021
I'm so down 🀣 for the granddaughters


OnO β€’ Aug 16, 2021
Omg the only sport they all agree in is soccer ⚽. Other than that it's basketball πŸ€... football 🏈 and baseball ⚾. I will be the fundraising mom soon πŸ˜‚


OnO β€’ Aug 16, 2021
This is so my Google search πŸ” πŸ˜‚ cause I just don't believe it until I πŸ™ˆ it on Ultrasound.


Posted at
Do you have a registry?


OnO β€’ Aug 18, 2021
Make one so I can gift 🎁 you something


Ar β€’ Aug 18, 2021
I don’t ☹️


Posted at
Mama, I totally can feel you. I’m having my 3rd boy and I’ve been so down about it. Ty is is definitely our last and I so badly wanted a daughter, I’m sure like you do. It’s not that I don’t/won’t love my sons. I do! It’s that I’m grieving the daughter I’ll never have 😒 Feel all the feels Mama. It’s only natural


Ar β€’ Aug 18, 2021
Thank you! Lol


Kim β€’ Aug 17, 2021
*This is definitely


Posted at
4th boy mom loading here!!


OnO β€’ Aug 16, 2021
Thank you same to you πŸ™ˆπŸ’š


Ar β€’ Aug 16, 2021
Congrats πŸ€£πŸ’™


Posted at
We were convinced we were having a boy and we already have a 5 year old girl and I’m 35 so this is it and my 12 year old son is from my first marriage so my husband was kinda sad we won’t ever have a son especially bc my son hates him bc he makes him eat veggies haha. But I totally get it our little girl is our world and it’s scary thinking about her sharing mommy and daddy but I know we will love this girl just as much and they will always have eachother sisters are always so close


Posted at
Statistically for your first 4 to be a boy your 5th should 90% chance be a girl, apparently. It's so crazy how this happens. We are having our second girl and as much as I wanted a boy I'm relieved about how I have hand me downs and I'm already such a girl mom. I make bows and clothes for my daughter and I'm so thankful I can pass them down because at barely 4 yo she's nearly 4ft tall and now I'll get some use out of them. However we have a 9mo foster son and I like the boy mom part as well.


Nevada β€’ Aug 18, 2021
They really do! We have a few cousins around and we pass them back and forth. My little girl is the tie breaker but we haven't announced the pregnancy outside of immediate family and we havent revealed the sex either. 🀣 we're not quite 14 weeks but we're waiting til at least our next appointment the 27th. A couple complications and I'm not feeling movement yet so I'm waiting.


Ar β€’ Aug 18, 2021
You just gave me 5% of hope 😩🀞🏽 But yes I do agree, hand me downs saved us a lot of money πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ€£


Posted at
2 boy loading 😩 wanted a lil girlSo bad scared to try again πŸ˜ͺπŸ™…πŸ½β€β™€οΈ


Ar β€’ Aug 18, 2021
Don’t get scared! Bow if you get pregnant again with your 3rd boy then yes I would be scared to try again hence going on 5th baby boy for me πŸ˜†πŸ˜’


Posted at
Congratulations πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ’™


Ar β€’ Aug 16, 2021
Thank you!!!


Posted at
Congratulations! I’m having my 3rd girl! πŸ˜…


Ar β€’ Aug 16, 2021
Thank you!! And congrats to you too! 🀣


Posted at
Congratulations 4th boy mom here


Ar β€’ Aug 16, 2021
Thank you! #BoyMom πŸ’™πŸ˜­πŸ€£