Is he quitting on me??

Devon • Been married for a year (: to my wonderful husband Ryland. Starting a family would mean everything to me (: and my husband have been ttc for a year now. No luck so far. I've done everything from home remedies, all the "right" positions, laying in bed after, vitamins, prenatal, etc...I know it's been hard and I know how emotionally heartbreaking it is for me each month when AF decides to show up.. I really don't know if it bothers him as much as I does me but he does show me comfort and support. But for the past few months he just doesn't want to have sex.. I tell him when my ovulation dates are in about a week in advance and I always make it so romantic and sexy but I still get nothing in heart is breaking and all I want is to start our family...he says he wants a baby and he wants to start our family but all I get is "I'm too tired" or "I'm not in the mood"...even when I just want to make love and it's nothing about ovulation...I get shut down...please help me..I'm running out of strength not to cry..i just want my husband back