Vanessa • 💙

I have 2 under 2. 15 months and 2 months. I came down with a cold. Did everything I could to not get my boys sick. But inevitably they did. Oldest first. Now the baby. Going on a week of sickness between us. My mil doesn’t know boundaries. Tonight, after we had finished dinner I was trying to Wind down my oldest to get him ready for bed. As soon as he sees his grandparents, he immediately wants them to take him outside. She knocked on the door, I heard it, but was in the middle of giving medicine to my youngest. In that time she knocked three more times. I opened the door and not so nicely, I said we aren’t doing company until they are feeling better. It’s been a hell of a week, between multiple wake ups during the night, and when one is sleeping the other is awake and miserable. All she said was, “oh, I didn’t know” even though I talked to you this afternoon and said they were still sick and miserable. Ladies, she got on my nerves after the second knock. Am I the asshole for not wanting anyone at my house while I deal with my sick children?! Their dad works away and is in Connecticut right now so it is just me juggling two sick babies. I don’t need help, I just want peace and quiet lol. What would you do in this situation? I’m keeping us distant from everyone so no one else gets sick.